Health and Wellbeing Board

Trafford's Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) brings together elected Councillors, the Directors of Public Health, Children’s Services, and Adult Services, and a representative of Healthwatch Trafford along with other commissioners and providers of health and care services including voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFSE) representation.

The purpose of the HWBB is to improve integration between practitioners in local health care, social care, public health and related public services so that patients and other service-users experience more "joined up" care, particularly in transitions between health care and social care.

The boards are responsible for leading locally on reducing health inequalities, as well as receiving the Public Health Annual Report, the Infection Control Annual Report, and the Annual Report of the Child Death Overview Panel. The Health and Wellbeing Board is also responsible for ensuring the Trafford Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is maintained and updated.

The Health and Wellbeing Board operates alongside Trafford’s Locality Board which is an integral part of our new system governance and operating model for integrated health and care in Trafford – more information below.

Trafford Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-29

The Trafford Health and Wellbeing Board is determined to increase the number of years people spend in good health. This is measured by Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE). The variation across the borough for this indicator is greater than for life expectancy, and we have a 16 year inequality between our most affluent and most deprived communities.

To improve HLE, our Health and Wellbeing Strategy focuses on preventing poor health and on promoting wellbeing. We must also address 'wider determinants' of health such as housing, transport, employment and the environment we live in. The Health and Wellbeing Board is focussed on our residents' journeys through life, taking a life course approach that reflects the public health needs of that age group.

Membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board

The membership of the HWBB is currently under review. At present the members are:

Health and Wellbeing Membership 2014/15
 Member Position Organisation
John Wareing Director of Strategy Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Colette Rose Chief Superintendent Greater Manchester Police
Cllr Cath Hynes Executive Member for Children's Social Services Trafford Council
Elizabeth Calder Director of Performance and Strategic Development Greater Manchester West NHS Foundation Trust
Diane Eaton Corporate Director for Adult Services Trafford Council
Dorothy Evans VCSE Representative African Caribbean Care Group
Eleanor Roaf Director of Public Health Trafford Council
Gareth James Deputy Place Leader for Health and Care Integration) NHS GM (Trafford)
George Devlin Strategic Lead Trafford Community Collective
Heather Fairfield Chair of HealthWatch HealthWatch Trafford
Cllr Jane Brophy Councillor Trafford Council
Cllr Jane Slater Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Equalities Trafford Council
Cllr Karina Carter Executive Member for Adult Social Care Trafford Council
Cllr Michael Whetton Shadow Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Equalities; Shadow Executive Member for Adult Social Care Trafford Council
Jill McGregor Corporate Director for Children's Services Trafford Council
Mandy Nagra Chief Executive Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Maureen Noble Independent Chair of the Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Board Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Board
Michelle Hill VCSE Representative Talk Listen Change
Mick Gallagher Director of Independent Living Trafford Housing Trust
Paul Duggan Borough Commander Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue
Richard Spearing Managing Director Trafford Local Care Organisation, Manchester Foundation Trust

Trafford Locality Board

The Board brings together a range of expertise from senior leaders for the NHS (primary, secondary, community and mental health), local authority and the VCFSE (Voluntary, Community, Faith & Social Enterprise) to a collaborative forum whereby more united voices can strengthen the achievement of shared visions for the benefit of Trafford residents.

The role of Board members is to collaborate and actively support the delivery of shared priorities within the Trafford Together Locality Plan and, by working together successfully improve health, wellbeing and care for the population of Trafford including tackling health inequalities across the borough. The collaborative forum is underpinned by principles of partnership, with the common objective of:

  • Building stronger communities
  • Putting residents at the heart of what we do
  • Continually improving to make best use of combined resources

Leadership Arrangements for Locality Health and Care Integration

Sara Todd is Trafford’s Place Lead for Trafford at NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (NHS GM) and is supported by Gareth James as the Deputy Place Lead. Our place lead for health and care integration will be responsible for driving the local integration of health and social care, connecting it to wider public services to address the social determinants of health.

Working closely with local partners, our place lead will play a central role in improving health outcomes and the quality of care, reducing health inequalities, and maximising the value of public resources within our communities. 

Trafford Locality Plan (2019-2024)

Trafford Locality Plan is our blueprint for the transformation of health and social care over a 5-year period. The Trafford Locality Plan was first agreed in November 2019, having been developed and owned by the partners in the Trafford Local Care Alliance. The plan was built on a collaborative approach that had at its heart the principles of place, people, population and partnership, to ensure that we developed and deliver our services for Trafford people, together.

Working under the leadership of our newly established Trafford Locality Board (TLB) the Locality Plan was refreshed in 2021 considering learning from the Covid pandemic and the imminent transformation of the health and care system with the introduction of Integrated Care Systems and the cessation of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG). A recommitment of our aspirations was fully supported by all partners, which are to work together to help achieve:

  • Better lives for our most vulnerable people
  • Better wellbeing for our population
  • Better connections throughout our communities

Key Documents / Reports