Sale Locality Partnership

What makes Sale, Sale?

  • Sale has access to the Bridgewater Canal and lots of nice shops.
  • Sale has an arts centre, Waterside with a theatre and gallery.
  • Sale Leisure Centre with its gym, swimming pool and a wide range of  activities
  • Sale has many wonderful parks which include Worthington Park and Walkden Gardens.
  • Sale has a Metrolink Station which takes you across Trafford and Greater Manchester.
  • There are lots of good schools in Trafford and Sale has its own Grammar and High School as well as lots of Primary Schools.

What is happening in Sale?

  • We are bringing people together, from individual residents, businesses, community and faith groups, councillors, community leaders and public sector bodies, to work in partnership and share resources.  
  • We offer support to develop your ideas by making full use of the physical and human assets, financial resources and community spirit that thrives within our localities.
  • By supporting local partnerships we are able to use our knowledge of the locality to project manage one off events such as Remembrance Day and Trafford Live as well as offering advice on funding, promotion, safeguarding and licencing for community events such as Fun Days in parks town centres and community centres. If you're looking for an event or would like to promote your event - please check out the  What's On page on the Trafford Directory
  • We help to facilitate local partnerships that exist in Sale West, Sale Moor and the Sale town centre. View our Sale Town Partnership web page

These partnerships have been set up to improve the lives and wellbeing of Sale residents and well as helping to bring more people into Sale from across Trafford and beyond.

We work closely with all types of sectors – community, voluntary and the private as well as individuals with passion and enthusiasm. We want each sector to be strengthened by our support as together we are building stronger communities, improving health & wellbeing and ensuring children and young people are attainting high levels of achievement, academically or sporting or both.   

If you would like more information about Sale contact