Trafford Employment, Skills and Enterprise

Trafford's Employment, Enterprise & Skills Group (TEES) focuses specifically on reducing and preventing unemployment, raising the skills of Trafford's workforce and increasing enterprise start-ups in the borough.

TEES works within three key work streams: engaging employers, engaging schools and increasing employability skills.

Engaging employers to address their skills gaps

The focus of this work stream is to identify key growth sectors and engage employers in these sectors to determine their skills needs and support requirements. 

Increasing employability skills by working with priority groups

This work stream engages with providers working with priority groups to identify ways to improve employability skills using programmes such the Trafford Pledge.

The Trafford Pledge has supported a range of businesses with their recruitment processes, including Kingsley Healthcare in Partington and Willmott Partnership Homes in Old Trafford who are offering a range of work and training opportunities to local people.

Employment advice and support

Your local Jobcentre Plus can provide advice and support on benefits and searching for job opportunities.

Supporting enterprise

To help increase enterprise start-ups in Trafford, the Chair of TEES hosts regular business start-up network events and drop-in business support sessions aimed at start-up or newly established businesses.

For more information on the Trafford Employment, Enterprise and Skills Group please email